Your website has no major code errors

Parsing is the way software like web browsers and assistive technology read and understand a website. It’s important that the different technologies your users use to view your website don’t have trouble parsing your website. Parsing is all about your website’s code.

All your users will benefit from a website

4.1.1 – Parsing (Level A)Read more

‘Labels or Instructions’ requires forms and controls to provide labels or instructions for user input.


Most websites have at least some elements that require user input. For example, these might be controls or forms. It’s essential to label controls such as radio buttons and checkboxes so that users understand what they are selecting.

It can also be

Labels or Instructions (Level A – 3.3.2 )Read more

‘Error Identification’ requires websites to identify and describe input errors for users.


Users of all kinds will make mistakes when using your website, so it’s important to clearly identify and describe errors. Input errors include users not providing required information as well as providing informating that doesn’t meet validation criteria.

Be as specific as possible when highlighting

Error Identification (Level A – 3.3.1 )Read more

Elements do not change when they receive input.


As we saw with On Focus, all users need predictability when navigating a website. If elements don’t act as they expect, they may become disorientated. 

This is also true when elements receive input, they shouldn’t automatically change. For example, forms shouldn’t skip to another field or auto-submit without confirmation

On Input (3.2.2 – Level A)Read more

Elements do not change when they receive focus.


All users need predictability when navigating a website. If elements doesn’t act as they expect, they may become disorientated.

In particular, once an element receives focus from a user, whether with a mouse or keyboard, the element must not automatically change (known as ‘changing on focus’). This can disorientate

On Focus (3.2.1 – Level A)Read more

‘Language of Page’ requires that each webpage has a default human language assigned.


For both users who rely on conventional web browsers and those who prefer assistive technologies, assigned a webpage’s language is essential for understanding.

Among the benefits, text is rendered more accurately, screen readers will use the correct pronunciation rules and captions will load correctly.


Language of Page (3.1.1 – Level A)Read more

‘Link Purpose (In Context)’ requires that every link’s purpose is clear from its text or context.


It’s essential that you make your links clear and easy to understand, ideally from just the link text itself.That’s because users with assistive technology, like a screen reader, often hear all the links on a page to help them find

Link Purpose (In Context) (2.4.4 – Level A)Read more

‘Focus Order’ requires that components receive focus in a logical sequence.


Your users need to find their way around your website in a sequential and meaningful order. You can control this with the ‘focus order’ of your website.

This is the sequence in which users access components on your website. Users with keyboard-only navigation or screen readers

Focus Order (2.4.3 – Level A)Read more

‘Page Titled’ means using helpful and clear… page titles.


All users benefit from descriptive page titles. A good title tells your users which page they are on and what that page is for. This lets users quickly understand if they are on the right page.

Users with visual, cognitive and mobility impairments further benefit as the technology

Page Titled (2.4.2 – Level A)Read more